Monday, April 26, 2010

Life scripts

So I was thinking about the scripts that we write for ourselves.
A friend said to me, just today, that we write our own scripts for our lives and live it regardless of what reality is.
It got me thinking, what script have I written for my life?
Life is a gift and every day holds many gifts, if only we are willing to see them!! I believe that life is for living, I take risks and sometimes they work out, sometimes they don't, but there is ALWAYS something good to take from every situation.
Just recently a "bump" in my life tested my resolve, tested my life script...and yes, I really AM that person...I REALLY DO believe every cloud has a silver lining. I am of course blessed to have MANY good friends...even ones I didn't know were watching...are in fact paying attention and loving me through one of life's knocks.
I believe our friends reflect who we really are...and my friends are amazing!!! I can't think of one who I don't value right now.
So back to do we come to write them? Is it our experiences only that shape it or do we add things from what we see around us?
I believe that my script is one that was written for me. I am really grateful for the script I have. I KNOW why I am here on earth and I feel valued and loved. Life is good and full of beauty and should be appreciated for the wonderful gift it is.
My script is partly written from my experiences, partly from what I have read and partly from people I have met...but script is mine...I take full responsibility for what it says in it...and I am and WILL continue to make sure that my script reflects what I believe is my purpose here on earth...for good teach, to love and to share the beauty of life with EVERYONE I meet.
So I leave you with this thought...what is YOUR script that you have written for yourself? What are the stories YOU tell yourself? Do they reflect the person you believe you are meant to be?
I have had the most incredible gift of having stupendously fab people around me, who support who I am and what I am here on earth to do.
Live an extraordinary life...THAT is my mantra...go really...go on...LIVE it!!! :-)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Inner voice

I have long been a believer in listenign to one's inner voice, gut instinct, conscience or whatever you may call it.

Too many times to mention, I have been made aware of impending situations long before they have happened. It is a "feeling", a sense of knowing something, outside of any real situation having arisen.

These experiences have ranged from: being aware of my nieces birth before being told my sister was in labour (I experienced "labour" pains...and that has carried over to all my nephew and nieces births in fact). It has also been things like, thoughts coming into my head randomly or from somehing I have read and then out of the blue it becomes reality. Such as an experience I had just the other evening. I had been looking on my banks website whether they mentioned anything about the delays to passengers abroad during the volcanic disruptions. It was not a conscious thought, just a random one I decided to look for while I was checking out my finances. Later that day, a friend of mine wrote that she had received information from her bank that they were willing to compensate her for some of her costs, while in a similar situation to what I am in. As I was replying to her and asking how she had found out about it, I received a message from my bank offering their support and giving a number to call.

Freaky coincidence??? Law of attraction? Well whatever you call it, I love that our minds can pick up thinsg that are not yet on the conscious plane.

Now I have done a lot of reading on deja vu, understanding dreams and have listened to MANY stories about people who have gotten out of extreme situations merely by listening to their inner voices to do something.

I have learnt that the power of thought is strong. In many cases I have read, it has changed reality. Recently I watched a documentary detailing how men with chronic old age symptoms (arthritus, etc), had taken part in an experiement, where they were required to go to live in a home, which would bring back memories of their experiences earlier in life. ThHe whole accommodation and way they were treated was in keeping with how they would have been treated in their twenties and thirties. Remarkably, ALL these men made miraculous medical, IQ and attitude improvements. For me, this only served to make me even more curious about the other part of our brain that we don't use.

It has been said it is anywhere between using only 1% - 15% of our brain during our lives.

So what about the other 85%? Surely it can be argued that the little we use, can't fathom that which we don't. I believe that we as humans, still know so little about the wonder of our bodies.

It is my mission to continue growing my knowledge about my brain, about my body and ensuring that I continue to listen to the voice within. Even if, at times it has been a little off (VERY rarely I hasten to add), I believe that at those times other factors have come into play and my gut was merely cautioning me to being aware of something. AT those times, I call to mind my loved ones and pray for their safety, well being and clear minds to be aware of all that they see, hear and do.

Listening is such an imporatant tool in life. It is one we neglect to do first with ourselves though. To fully appreciate life, I believe we must acquire the good practice to listen to ourselves. Listen to what thoughts you are thinking and then and only then are we ready to listen to others. And I mean REALLY listen to others. With our own boundaries firmly set, we are in a good place to listen to others and ensure that our boundaries remain intact.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Well after a fab day enjoying the Joie de Livre, I have come to realise AGAIN the power of positive thinking and indeed BEING.

Recently I read The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Now I don't believe that our existence is entirely based on ourselves or merely our thoughts. What I believe is, that we have the power to be positive in our outlook on life.

Personally I have always gravitated towards those who are more positive and optimistic in life. I have at times (quite often actually) been dubbed Pollyanna....always seeing the positive in everything. Which I like, if I am honest. The antithesis of this kind of person would NOT be pleasurable, nor pleasant to be around. So Pollyanna has stuck.

That is not to say that I haven't at times, been a mucky mess of negativity and self doubt, cos I have. Only recently, I was hit by a curve ball. Yes I had seen it coming, but it made contact and hurt, nevertheless. The good thing is, as I had seen it coming, I had already prepared how I was going to hit that ball out of the ball park. Needless to say, I hit it very poorly and have limped round, base by base back to home. But home I am!!!

I believe life is a learning path and for THIS reason, I choose to see ALL my trials as great learning tools.

So here is the tool I have relearnt:
When you feel like the world is getting all too much and you'd rather go and hide somewhere safe, quiet and dark til it all goes away, remember you can. And most definitely SHOULD. Once there, in your safe place, in the quiet, you will be able to take stock and remember who you are.

Being still (literally) allows space for breathing and for change.

This tool of putting space into your life situations, as well as in conversations you find uncomfortable. Literally lean back, and take stock of the little things around you. Appreciate what is, then you can get back to dealing with the little niggle.

Sounds simple? Well it is, as long as you remember to do it. When you find yourself free-falling, or catch yourself thinking and re-thinking, use this tool, it works!!!

An appreciation of the small things, allows you to appreciate the big things.

Personally, I find focussing on nature and the world around me de-stresses me. (sometimes that means focussing on using past "negative" experiences to support others, it puts your own life in perspective and brings the added bonus of personal growth as you realise where you have come from. And the contribution aspect is the positive reward.)

So then I leave you with the SPACE tool and the challenge to view the world for all the beauty and awesomeness that it has.

Appreciate the small things, so that you can fully enjoy the big things.


It's a funny thing sunshine. When I think of the sun all kinds of thoughts pop into my head: warmth, life-giving, happiness, music, illumination, my upbringing in South Africa, tanning, laughter.

Having lived in the UK for over thirteen years now, I value the sun more than ever. (Especially after the VERY long winter we have experienced this year!!!) Maybe it's cos my life has changed so dramatically over the past year or three, but my need for vitamin D (the sun) has increased a bazillion-fold. I found the amazing fake sunshine in a bottle and it did wonders for me. I have shared this secret with many and it seems to have done the trick for all of them too. And no, I don't get a commission for plugging vitamin D tablets...but they work and should be a staple dietry requirement for everyone who lacks daily natural sunshine methinks...:-)

Recently, I did a course where I had to discover what I believe my life purpose is and the outcomes were extraordinary. One of which was, that I am truly a sun person. I love the warmth, the inspiration, the life-giving properties of it and am newly amazed at the awesomeness of our solar system and indeed Creator.

As I have pondered and navigated the challenges of the past few weeks, I have once again been pointed to the fact that the dis-ease I was feeling was partially due to the lack of sunshine in my life, both physically as well as spiritually.

I have been shown again, how to centre my thoughts and indeed myself to the positive attributes of the sun. I am blessed to have lots of sunshiney sirens and even sunshiney alpha males in my life. They each remind me daily of the importance of staying centred and that my focus must be upwards and not forwards.

For me to deal with life as I know it, I need to remain in a state of awe of the creation I have been gifted. So that is my endeavour from here on in (til I need reminding again that is...:-))

I am aware that the sun has destructive qualities too and that everything should be enjoyed in moderation...but I am convinced that staying upwards looking, I will avoid the pitfalls I seem to fall into from time to time.

My Siren statement:
I am the sunlight that lights up your eyes, who allows others to sing in their voice; to feel the sunlight and warmth radiating healing and warmth. By being in my presence, you are illuminated to be the very best you can be.

I guess it's more like a mission statement really. If I can shine some light and love into your life, I am happy to do it. Bringing a smile to your face is a fab here it is...:-)

Please pass it on...

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So today I have been thinking about the concept of true freedom.

And this is what I think:
True freedom is being aligned with your true purpose for being on earth. With that come the questions naturally. Can I really be free when I am strapped for cash? Can I be free while being in a relationship? Can I truly be free when there are rules to follow in the work place and indeed society?

A new site that I was introduced to today lists many similes for what freedom is. All of which are inspiring and have taken me down various paths of thoughts.

This is what I believe to be true.

We all have a reason for having been born, no matter our religious or spiritual persuasion. We all know that there is more to life than going to school, university or college; then getting a job, earning money; finding a significant other and having children; retiring and dying. There is so much more to life and I believe that deep in the core of each of us, we are all aware of this.

So what IS it? What is that thing that will fill the gaping hole in our existence?

For me, it is knowing and living my purpose for being on earth. For each of us, we must find this key purpose to find ultimate happiness and fulfillment.

Freedom then must be: the place where we find ourselves truly aligned to our true purpose, in a place of serenity, joy and unrestrained by negativity and those things which are personal barriers to your own feeling of liberty to be the true you.