Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Well after a fab day enjoying the Joie de Livre, I have come to realise AGAIN the power of positive thinking and indeed BEING.

Recently I read The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Now I don't believe that our existence is entirely based on ourselves or merely our thoughts. What I believe is, that we have the power to be positive in our outlook on life.

Personally I have always gravitated towards those who are more positive and optimistic in life. I have at times (quite often actually) been dubbed Pollyanna....always seeing the positive in everything. Which I like, if I am honest. The antithesis of this kind of person would NOT be pleasurable, nor pleasant to be around. So Pollyanna has stuck.

That is not to say that I haven't at times, been a mucky mess of negativity and self doubt, cos I have. Only recently, I was hit by a curve ball. Yes I had seen it coming, but it made contact and hurt, nevertheless. The good thing is, as I had seen it coming, I had already prepared how I was going to hit that ball out of the ball park. Needless to say, I hit it very poorly and have limped round, base by base back to home. But home I am!!!

I believe life is a learning path and for THIS reason, I choose to see ALL my trials as great learning tools.

So here is the tool I have relearnt:
When you feel like the world is getting all too much and you'd rather go and hide somewhere safe, quiet and dark til it all goes away, remember you can. And most definitely SHOULD. Once there, in your safe place, in the quiet, you will be able to take stock and remember who you are.

Being still (literally) allows space for breathing and for change.

This tool of putting space into your life situations, as well as in conversations you find uncomfortable. Literally lean back, and take stock of the little things around you. Appreciate what is, then you can get back to dealing with the little niggle.

Sounds simple? Well it is, as long as you remember to do it. When you find yourself free-falling, or catch yourself thinking and re-thinking, use this tool, it works!!!

An appreciation of the small things, allows you to appreciate the big things.

Personally, I find focussing on nature and the world around me de-stresses me. (sometimes that means focussing on using past "negative" experiences to support others, it puts your own life in perspective and brings the added bonus of personal growth as you realise where you have come from. And the contribution aspect is the positive reward.)

So then I leave you with the SPACE tool and the challenge to view the world for all the beauty and awesomeness that it has.

Appreciate the small things, so that you can fully enjoy the big things.

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